Welcome to FACE, the Foundation for the Advancement of Culture and Education. We are a Non-profit dedicated to providing educational learning experiences for schools, community and family systems so they are more inclusive and students can be more successful.
FACE opens pathways for partnerships, combining resources and ideas that address educational issues from multiple avenues thereby increasing the likelihood of long-term success. We customize training workshops, professional development, re-licensure credits, and family engagement. We assist with funding proposals, research initiatives and educational innovations like service-learning and civic engagement. We work year round, delivering high quality content where you need us locally, nationally and internationally.
Teaching is at the heart of everything we do. Helping educators build a strong foundation during the first five years of their career is critical. Forbes reports that one in four teachers leave the profession (67.7%) in the first five years. We offer support so that educators can build essential depth and breadth in their experiences while not being overwhelmed by all the additional duties and new experiences in those foundational years. Teachers who garner that support in those critical years are far more likely to be successful with students and stay in teaching. Minnesota has a growing number of new administrators. FACE works with administrators, teachers, community leaders, community organizations, and families to create a full-service model for sustained growth and success.